Mass Times

Confession & Mass Times

Confessions are available before Mass or by appointment.

Mass Intentions

Kindly click the donate button and then select the type of mass intention you would like to offer when the new page opens. Please do a separate donation for each type of intention.

Upon selecting the type of mass intention you will be asked to write a message. It is here you may write the name(s) of who you are offering mass intention for and the requested dates. Also indicate next to the name(s) if it is a special intention (Death Anniversary, Birthday Intention, etc.)​​​​​.

Example: John Doe; April 7-14, 2020 | John Doe, Birthday Intention; February 5

All mass intentions are read aloud prior to the start of mass.

Please contact 671-477-7256 or if you have any questions. Please understand that office hours are limited but we will do our best to assist you promptly.